Lewis Tan
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Lewis Tan.
Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)
An action movie starring Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman and Morena Baccarin
Wolverine is recovering from his injuries when he crosses paths with the loudmouth, Deadpool. They team up to defeat a common enemy.
Deadpool 2 (2018)
An rated R action movie starring Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin and Morena Baccarin
After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry's hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste ... (more)
Mortal Kombat (2021)
An rated R action movie starring Joe Taslim, Ludi Lin and Mehcad Brooks
A failing boxer uncovers a family secret that leads him to a mystical tournament called Mortal Kombat where he meets a group of warriors who fight to the death in order to save the realms from the evil sorcerer Shang Tsung. Based off the popular video game franchise.
In cinemas starting October 24, 2025
Mortal Kombat 2 (2025)
An action movie starring Lewis Tan, Jessica McNamee and Mehcad Brooks
'Mortal Kombat 2' intensifies the battle against Shang Tsung, hinting at an imminent showdown between Earth and Outworld. The anticipated sequel promises the return of classic characters and a deeper exploration of the tournament's lore, building up excitement for fans.
About Fate (2022)
A lovestory starring Emma Roberts, Thomas Mann and Britt Robertson
When both of their engagement proposals are a bust, hopeless romantics Margot and Griffin find themselves together on New Year’s Eve after a bout of fateful events. Both believing in true love, they set out on a magical and comedic journey together, only to quickly realize that the love they’ve been searching for this whole time might be right in front of them.
Fistful of Vengeance
An action movie starring Iko Uwais, Lewis Tan and Jason Tobin
A revenge mission becomes a fight to save the world from an ancient threat when superpowered assassin Kai tracks a killer to Bangkok.