Владимир Вдовиченков
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Владимир Вдовиченков.
Robo (2020)
A family movie starring Daniil Izotov, Владимир Вдовиченков and Sergei Bezrukov
12-year-old Mitya Privalov dreams of becoming a superhero comics artist. But his robotics engineer parents want him to follow in their footsteps....
Salyut 7
An action movie starring Владимир Вдовиченков, Pavel Derevyanko and Aleksandr Samoylenko
73% like the movie
Salyut 7, the Soviet space station, was orbiting Earth in unmanned regime. Suddenly it stops responding to signals from the Ground Control. Fall of this station, the pride of soviet science and space industry, would not only damage the image of the country, but also bring upon tragedy, probably with loss of life ... (more)
Stray (2019)
A horror movie starring Elena Lyadova, Владимир Вдовиченков and Sevastyan Bugaev
Igor is ready for anything for the sake of Polina’s happiness, and in order to compensate for the loss of her son, the couple opens up to a new child. But instead of an ordinary boy from a shelter, a mystical creature that can recreate the memories gets into their family . ... (more)
Champion of the World
A drama starring Konstantin Khabenskiy, Ivan Yankovsky and Владимир Вдовиченков
Some sporting victories are about more than just claiming a title. Some of them go down in history. The film follows the most dramatic and legendary showdown in the history of chess – the match between Anatoly Karpov, then world champion, and Viktor Korchnoi, a recent emigrant from the USSR ... (more)