Trinity Bliss
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Trinity Bliss.
In cinemas starting December 19, 2025
Avatar 3: Fire and Ash (2025)
A movie starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña and Stephen Lang
Avatar 2: The Way of Water (2022)
A movie starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña and Sigourney Weaver
Set more than a decade after the events of the first film, 'AVATAR 2: THE WAY OF WATER' tells the thrilling story of the Sully family: of the trouble that haunts them and what they take on to protect each other; as well as the dramatic experiences and struggles they face to survive.
A Really Haunted Loud House
A movie starring Wolfgang Schaeffer, Jahzir Bruno and Brian Stepanek
Lincoln and his best friend, Clyde, struggle to decide whether to participate in the Loud family Spooktacular, attend their friend, Xander's, party, or go trick-or-treating on Halloween.
Bone Cold
A movie starring Trinity Bliss, Jonathan Stoddard and Jennifer Khoe
An experienced Black Ops sniper attempts a nightmarish escape after a failed mission, tracked by enemy soldiers hellbent on revenge, and also hunted by something sinister and monstrous, hungry and determined.
Little Wing
A movie starring Brooklynn Prince, Che Tafari and Brian Cox
Kaitlyn and her best friend hope to solve her mother's financial woes by stealing a valuable bird, but Kaitlyn, instead, forms a bond with the owner, that leads her to a new outlook on life.
In cinemas starting May 30, 2025
The Life of Chuck (2025)
A movie starring Tom Hiddleston, Mark Hamill and Chiwetel Ejiofor
A story told in reverse, starting with the end of Chuck Krantz's life, and moving back in time to show how he lived that life.