Salvatore Esposito
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Salvatore Esposito.
Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025)
An rated R action movie starring Gerard Butler, O'Shea Jackson Jr. and Meadow Williams
Big Nick is back on the hunt in Europe and closing in on Donnie, who is embroiled in the treacherous and unpredictable world of diamond thieves and the infamous Panther mafia, as they plot a massive heist of the world's largest diamond exchange.
The Immortal
A thriller starring Marco D'Amore, Giuseppe Aiello and Salvatore D'Onofrio
After reuniting with his first mentor Bruno and receiving his latest mission, an exiled Ciro is left to fearlessly confront whatever comes his way, navigating a new chapter of gang warfare while grappling with devastating memories of loss and trauma ... (more)
My Big Gay Italian Wedding (2018)
A comedy movie starring Salvatore Esposito, Cristiano Caccamo and Diego Abatantuono
A father, who calls himself "open" and tolerant and fights against any form of discrimination, reveals himself as not so liberal when his son announces the engagement to his partner. Overwhelmed by the news, he regresses into the most fierce opponent of same sex marriage, and tries to undermine his son's happiness with a series of embarrassing situations.
Taxi 5
A comedy movie starring Franck Gastambide, Malik Bentalha and Bernard Farcy
A police officer who's transfered in the police of Marseille gets assigned to take down a group of Italian robbers who drive the powerfull Ferrari's with the older niece of Daniel, a terrible driver who gets the legendary white taxi.
Aw jeez, here we go again.
Ein Serie mit Chris Rock, Jessie Buckley and Jason Schwartzman
A close-knit anthology series dealing with stories involving malice, violence and murder based in and around Minnesota.
A Story Called Gomorrah - The Series
Ein Serie mit Salvatore Esposito, Roberto Saviano and Stefano Sollima
Documenting the genesis and the various stages of writing and production of the TV series "Gomorrah" based on the novel by Roberto Saviano.A journey to discover the history of Gomorra La Serie, from the first idea to the last days of the set. With the voices of Roberto Saviano, Stefano Sollima, Ivana Lotito and Salvatore Esposito.