Cameron Diaz
All informations about every movie and show with the involvement of Cameron Diaz.
Back in Action (2025)
A movie starring Cameron Diaz, Jamie Foxx and Kyle Chandler
Years after giving up life in the CIA to start a family, two former spies are dragged back into the world of espionage when their cover is blown.
In cinemas starting December 23, 2026
Shrek 5 (2026)
A movie starring Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz and Eddie Murphy
A soft-reboot of the animated "Shrek" franchise.
The Counselor (2013)
A movie starring Michael Fassbender, Cameron Diaz and Javier Bardem
A lawyer finds himself in far over his head when he attempts to get involved in drug trafficking.
Sex Tape (2014)
A movie starring Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel and Rob Corddry
Comedy • 51% like the movie
When Jay and Annie first got together, their romantic connection was intense – but ten years and two kids later, the flame of their love needs a spark. To kick things up a notch, they decide – why not? – to make a video of themselves trying out every position in The Joy of Sex in one marathon three-hour session ... (more)
Annie (2014)
A movie starring Quvenzhané Wallis, Jamie Foxx and Rose Byrne
Ever since her parents left her as a baby, little Annie has led a hard-knock life with her calculating foster mother, Miss Hannigan. However, all that changes when hard-nosed billionaire and mayoral candidate Will Stacks takes her in on the recommendation of his advisers ... (more)
The Other Woman (2014)
A movie starring Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann and Kate Upton
After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly soon meets the wife he's been cheating on. And when yet another affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot mutual revenge on the three-timing SOB.