Jonathan Banks
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Jonathan Banks.
Incredibles 2 (2018)
An animation movie starring Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell and Raymond Ochoa
Gradually, everyday life returns to the Incredibles after they have put a stop to the villain Syndrome with united family power. While Helen Parr has important matters to attend to, it's up to father Bob to organize everyday family life with the three children Violet, Dash and baby Jack-Jack ... (more)
The Commuter (2018)
A thriller starring Liam Neeson, Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson
63% like the movie
A businessman on his daily commute home gets unwittingly caught up in a criminal conspiracy that threatens not only his life but the lives of those around him.
Horrible Bosses 2 (2014)
A comedy movie starring Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day
63% like the movie
Dale, Kurt and Nick decide to start their own business but things don't go as planned because of a slick investor, prompting the trio to pull off a harebrained and misguided kidnapping scheme.
Mudbound (2017)
A drama starring Jason Clarke, Jason Mitchell and Carey Mulligan
75% like the movie
In the post–World War II South, two families are pitted against a barbaric social hierarchy and an unrelenting landscape as they simultaneously fight the battle at home and the battle abroad.
Identity Thief (2013)
A comedy movie starring Jason Bateman, Melissa McCarthy and Jon Favreau
57% like the movie
When a mild-mannered businessman learns his identity has been stolen, he hits the road in an attempt to foil the thief -- a trip that puts him in the path of a deceptively harmless-looking woman.
A war movie starring Gijs Naber, Jonathan Banks and Lisa Smit
In the year of 754 AD, during a time of epic battles and bloodshed, the legend of the pagan warrior king, REDBAD, is born, but so is a new weapon against his people: Christianity. Redbad must ultimately unite a Viking army powerful enough to defeat the seemingly invincible Franks.