Chris Evans
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Chris Evans.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
A rated PG-13 superhero movie starring Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr. and Michael Keaton
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In this action-packed film, after the Battle of New York, Adrian Toomes holds onto Chitauri technology to develop cutting-edge weapons. When Peter Parker's secret identity is exposed and Toomes plots a major heist, Parker must step up as Spider-Man to save the day. Can he stop Toomes before it's too late?
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
An rated PG-13 action movie starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth
In the aftermath of Thanos's devastating actions, the surviving Avengers embark on a time-traveling journey to retrieve the Infinity Stones and undo the damage. Along the way, they face emotional sacrifices and unexpected challenges, leading to an epic battle against Thanos and his army. Marvel fans can expect an action-packed, nostalgic adventure as they revisit key moments in the MCU. The film features beloved characters like Thor and Iron Man, who play pivotal roles in this thrilling story of redemption and hope.
Lightyear (2022)
An animation movie starring Chris Evans, Keke Palmer and Taika Waititi
The sci-fi action-adventure presents the definitive origin story of Buzz Lightyear—the hero who inspired the toy—introducing the legendary Space Ranger who would win generations of fans.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
An rated PG-13 adventure movie starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth
In a desperate attempt to save the universe, the Avengers unite to stop Thanos from wiping out half of all life. With epic battles, sacrifices, and the fate of the world at stake, can they defeat the powerful villain and undo the devastation he has caused?
Red One (2024)
An action movie starring Dwayne Johnson, Chris Evans and J.K. Simmons
After a villain kidnaps Santa from the North Pole, an E.L.F operative must partner with the world’s most accomplished tracker to find Santa and save Christmas.
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
An rated PG-13 action movie starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo
74% like the movie
In Sokovia, the Avengers clash with Hydra and awaken the powerful Ultron. With the help of the super-powered Maximoff twins, they must confront Ultron and prevent global destruction. Sacrifices must be made to save humanity.