Captain America 4: At Last, The Leading Actor Has Been Confirmed
The story picks up directly from "The Falcon And The Winter Soldier"
It has been known for some time that Sam Wilson alias Falcon will become the new Captain America after the end of the Disney+ series "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier". So far, however, Anthony Mackie had not been officially committed for "Captain America 4", which did raise some questions. Now, the wait is officially over, since according to the US magazine Deadline, Mackie has finally signed the contract. Appropriately enough, the two "The Falcon And The Winter Soldier" writers Malcolm Spellman and Dalan Musson are penning the script. So there's a lot to suggest that "Captain America 4" will tie in more or less directly with the Disney+ series. With the signing of Mackie, one persistent rumor has been dispelled, as some fans were expecting a surprise return of Steve Rogers as Cap until recently. We are definitely looking forward to the new Captain America. Sadly, there is currently no release date for the movie.