Image of Captain America: Brave New World


Runtime 119 minutes

Release dates

Theaters February 14, 2025


Five months after Thaddeus Ross becomes president, he sends the new Captain America Sam Wilson and Falcon Joaquín Torres out to secure a stolen item. The leader of the thieves, Sidewinder, escapes. Sam is unsure whether he should use Joaquín on further dangerous missions, as neither of them has any superpowers.

Later, President Ross invites Sam, Joaquin and the super soldier Isaiah Bradley to a meeting. There, Ross talks about a new group of Avengers and introduces a new powerful metal called Adamantium. Suddenly, assassins attack Ross.

Sam searches for the person responsible and confronts Sidewinder. They find out that Dr. Samuel Sterns is behind the attacks and is manipulating people with mind control. Sterns is the one who once gave Ross a drug that kept him alive, but secretly contained gamma radiation...


Runtime 119 minutes

Release dates

Theaters February 14, 2025


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"Captain America: Brave New World" is an American science fiction action-adventure film directed by Julius Onah. The film is the 35th feature film within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and a sequel to "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" (2021) and the fourth film starring Captain America, now with Anthony Mackie in the title role. It is part of the so-called Phase Five of the MCU.

The development of a fourth Captain America movie was announced in April 2021, with Malcolm Spellman and Dalan Musson as screenwriters. Anthony Mackie was confirmed for the lead role in August 2021. Julius Onah was announced as director in July 2022. The title of the film was announced at San Diego Comic-Con 2022 as "Captain America: New World Order". Initial script drafts included Isaiah Bradley's grandson Eli Bradley, but the character was dropped. Plans for the return and transformation of Thaddeus Ross have already been discussed with the late William Hurt, whose role has now been taken over by Harrison Ford, inspired by his comic book story. The final script was written by Rob Edwards, Spellman, Musson, Onah and Peter Glanz.

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