News Archive
Our archive contains not only the latest news about your favorite movies, but also older informations about series, streaming offers and other productions.
- Metal Gear Solid Film: "Star Wars" actor casted for the lead roleThe fans’ prevalent wishes have thus been met
- Revolutionary: All Warner Bros. movies of 2021 start simultaneously in cinemas and on HBO MaxAmong them are "The Suicide Squad", "Dune" and many more
- Van Helsing remake: James Wan's latest project was unveiledThe direction is to be taken by "Overlord" director Julius Avery
- Emma Stone now no longer considered for "Babylon“Instead, Margot Robbie could stand in for her
- Sonic 2: Shooting starts already in springThe cinema release is scheduled for 2022
- First pictures published of Kate Bishop in new "Hawkeye" seriesJeremy Renner also presents a first picture
- After Netflix exit: fans support "Daredevil" revivalA real hype is currently developing on Twitter
- Godzilla vs. Kong: Netflix wants to secure the rightsHowever, Warner Bros. could do something similar with " Wonder Woman 1984
- Finally official: Mads Mikkelsen replaces Johnny Depp in "Fantastic Beasts 3"So his denial last week was probably more of a tactical act
- Cherry: New pictures of the movie with Tom HollandThe Russo brothers take over the direction
- Predator 5. New part is dedicated to the past of the franchiseThere should also be some first story information
- Good news: "Wonder Woman 1984" is scheduled for a release later this yearIn the US, a hybrid of cinema screening and stream is planned
- Black Panther 2: Start of shooting is fixed!In addition, an actor has been selected for a new villain
- Deadpool 3. Two female authors were engaged for the projectAfter a long period of uncertainty, the franchise could pick up speed again
- Fantastic Beasts 3: Mikkelsen not as Grindelwald after all?The actor causes confusion with a statement
- "Scream 5: The shooting is finishedFurthermore there are first pictures and the official title
- Black Panther 2. Will there be a Chadwick Boseman Double?Producer Victoria Alonso comments in an interview
- Thor 4: Chris Pratt will appear as GuardianA fellow colleague is also considered for the MCU movie
- Transformers 6: Who could take over the direction?Currently, there are speculations about an engagement of the "Creed 2" director
- Mortal Kombat movie postponed!A new date has not been fixed yet