New trailer for "Sonic" movie causes confusion among fans
Director announces new revision of the design
The first trailer for Sonic was released a few days ago. However, the fan community hasn't
been able to get much out of the trailer so far, despite Jim Carrey's appearance as villain Dr.
Ivo Robotnik. The biggest flaw seems to be the appearance of the protagonist Sonic, since
many fans just want a comic-like look. On the poster released at the beginning of the year as
well as in this trailer Sonic seems more like a hairy blue human being, or as Twitter-user
KyleOlsonmabob quite accurately illustrates, more like the monkey from Jumanji.
And even though many fans are positively surprised by Jim Carrey's performance, this won't
make them want to go to the Sonic movie.
Shortly afterwards, however, director Jeff Fowler responded, who surprisingly handled the
criticism very constructively and announced on Twitter that the design of Sonic would be
changed again. Nobody expected that so quickly, but the high number of dislikes and the
devastating comments seem to have had an effect.
Twitter user LarryBundyJr shows quite impressively how exactly the new design could look
like, because a simple change of the eye area seems to help a lot.
How Sega and Paramount will make the new Sonic look like, we will surely see in the next
trailer. Sonic The Hedghehog will be released on 08 November 2019.