Greta Gerwig
All information about every movie and show with the involvement of Greta Gerwig.
In cinemas since March 21, 2025
Snow White (2025)
A rated PG fantasy movie starring Rachel Zegler, Gal Gadot and Andrew Burnap
A live-action musical reimagining of the classic 1937 film. The magical music adventure journeys back to the timeless story with beloved characters Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy.
Barbie (2023)
A rated PG-13 comedy movie starring Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling and Will Ferrell
A doll living in Barbieland is expelled for not being perfect enough and sets off on an adventure in the real world.
Isle of Dogs (2018)
An animation movie starring Bryan Cranston, Bill Murray and Jeff Goldblum
82% like the movie
In the future, an outbreak of canine flu leads the mayor of a Japanese city to banish all dogs to an island that's a garbage dump. The outcasts must soon embark on an epic journey when a 12-year-old boy arrives on the island to find his beloved pet.
Little Women (2019)
A drama starring Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson and Eliza Scanlen
Writer-director Greta Gerwig has crafted a Little Women that draws on both the classic novel and the writings of Louisa May Alcott, and unfolds as the author’s alter ego, Jo March, reflects back and forth on her fictional life. In Gerwig’s take, the beloved story of the March sisters – four young women each determined to live life on her own terms -- is both timeless and timely.
Jackie (2016)
A drama starring Natalie Portman, Peter Sarsgaard and Greta Gerwig
67% like the movie
An account of the days of First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, in the immediate aftermath of John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963.
In cinemas starting November 26, 2026
The Chronicles of Narnia (2026)
A fantasy movie
Film one of Greta Gerwig's deal with Netflix to write and direct at least two films based on C. S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia.