The Boys: Season 3 Has Official Release Date Later This Year

First teaser shows Starlight and Homelander

By Pierre Lorenz on 1 min reading time

Last winter, Amazon started production on the third season of "The Boys". Now it is finally known when a season start can be expected. To the joy of many fans, the waiting time is kept short, because the season will be available on Amazon Prime Video as early as June 3, 2022. Fittingly, a first teaser was released, which is expectedly short, but definitely makes you eager for more. You can see Anthony Starr's Homelander and Erin Moriarty's Starlight obviously in the headquarters of the Seven, where especially Homelander is in the flurry of camera flashes of the reporters. The longer the scene goes on, the more confused and serious he looks, and it is quite likely that the focus in the upcoming season could clearly be on Homelander. In addition to him and Starlight, the other main characters will also be returning to the screen, including Karl Urban as Butcher, Jack Quaid as Hughie and Dominique McElligott as Queen Maeve. Together, they will once again bring plenty of action, satire and black humor to the series, while they will also be joined by some newcomers. For instance, we will get to see "Supernatural" star Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy and "The Walking Dead" actress Laurie Holden as Crimson Countess. They are members of another superteam called Payback. Showrunner Eric Kripke is in charge of production, while the infamous duo of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg will also keep an eye on the same thing. The first three episodes of the third season "The Boys" will be released on June 3, after which a new episode will be released every week. 

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