The Witcher series controversy
Rumours about the actors' skin colour are making the rounds
At the latest since the announcement of the Netflix The Witcher series, the opinions among
the fans regarding the upcoming series based on the books have fluctuated. This was also
the case in September of last year, when the rumour spread that Ciri, depicted as white-
skinned in the books and video games, was to be played by a dark-skinned actress. And even
after the rumor turned out to be wrong, many fans are still not happy with the look of the
characters. Lauren S Hissrich, the showrunner of the series, explained a few days ago what
the outward appearance of the characters are all about.
On Twitter she states that the books written by Andrzej Sapkowski are mainly rooted in the
Slavic culture and that this Slavic culture can't be reduced to just the skin colour. Moreover,
the series, which is broadcast in over 190 countries, is supposed to be attractive for
everybody, and this works best through the actors.
Whether this reassures the die-hard fans or not, Hissrich makes it clear that since the
beginning of the casting they have deliberately not looked at skin colour or ethnical
background, in order to appeal to a wider audience.
We will most likely be able to see on Netflix in December this year whether the content of
the series will be convincing or not.