The Batman: New Images Show Two Super Villains
We also see the Dark Knight together with Catwoman
"The Batman" fans won't have to wait much longer for its theatrical release. It is therefore all the more pleasing that we are regularly receiving new images from Warner Bros. during the important promotional phase. In the last few days, some new pics have appeared, on which not only two well-known villains, but also the Dark Knight himself can be seen. First, let's take a look at the bad guys. IGN shared a snapshot of the Riddler and the Penguin last Sunday. The shot of the Riddler in particular caused some buzz in the movie community. After all, so far you have barely been able to make out the Batman antagonist in the teasers and trailers. However, it is not only the fact that you can finally see the Riddler in all his glory, but especially the WAY in which the Riddler is presented that has caused some confusion. On the picture, he looks clearly different from the role of Jim Carrey in "Batman Forever", for example.
The situation is similar with the Penguin. We already know him from older "Batman" movies. In particular Danny DeVito's weird version from "Batman Returns" comes to mind. Colin Farrell's portrayal actually looks more like a mob boss from a Martin Scorsese film. So, all in all, we can say that both villains look much more realistic and less like an adaptation from the comics. Whether that's a good or bad thing will only be seen upon release anyway.
Two more pictures appeared via USA Today. On one of them we see Robert Pattinson in a gloomy scene. The second, much more exciting picture, on the other hand, shows Batman and Catwoman in front of a picturesque skyscraper setting. As we've known since late last year from a synopsis by CinemaxX, in "The Batman" Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are childhood friends, which of course should provide some emotional tension between the two.
If you still haven't had enough of the images, you can look forward to more snapshots directly from Warner, where you can see all the characters mentioned again from a different perspective, as well as a few behind-the-scenes shots. In summary, these are some great pictures that whet your appetite for the blockbuster. "The Batman" is scheduled for release on March 4, 2022.