New secret horror project of the "Insidious" creator?
This is what James Wan says about his future plans
This weeks Variety magazine reported that director James Wan was working on a secret
horror project before he joined Aquaman 2. According to the report, together with the
German-Romanian actress Ingrid Bisu, who also appears in a supporting role in Wan's The
Nun, he has come up with a new production that he wants to work on. More details are
unfortunately not yet known, but a screenwriter has been found who completes Bisu and
Wan's idea in a script. Wan himself is even supposed to start shooting this fall, which seems
quite ambitious. Should this still be the case, a release in 2020 is quite likely. Wan will then
dedicate himself to the Aquaman sequel, the pre-production of which will begin after Wan's
horror project. Until the release of Aquaman 2 we will probably have to wait until December