"Avatar 3: The Seed Bearer": Leader of the Ash People Announced
A "Game of Thrones" star takes on the role
"Avatar 2: The Way of Water" continues on a record-breaking course and is currently the fourth most successful film of all time with box office takings of just over $2 billion. James Cameron is not resting on his laurels, however, and so there are new details about the sequels. As has already been reported, the Ash People, a rather shady tribe of Na'vi, will make an appearance in "Avatar 3". In an interview with Empire, producer Jon Landau now described the new race as aggressive and volcanic. The clan is led by Varang, who is played by "Game of Thrones" actress Oona Chaplin, the granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin. Landau compares the new people to humans: There are good ones, there are bad ones - and no one sees themselves as the bad guy. So we can assume that "Avatar 3" will also be about why the Fire Tribe acts with such hostility.
In the interview, Landau also reveals that there will be a big time jump in "Avatar 4". This also fits with the previous news that the narrators of the stories will change each time starting with the third film. Part 5 is then even supposed to be partially set on Earth, which is overpopulated and short of resources at this point. However, the producer emphasizes that there is always a possibility of change in the world of "Avatar". We are eager to find out what happens next. The theatrical release date for "Avatar 3" has been set for December 20, 2024.