These are the plans for the "Star Wars" franchise after episode 9

New input is also provided by the two "Game Of Thrones" creators Benioff and Weiss

By Pierre Lorenz on

After Disney announced three film dates for the time after Star Wars Episode 9, it was now

made clear that these will probably not be called Star Wars 11, 12, and 13, but take a new


Star Wars 9: The rise of Skywalker will definitely be the end of the saga and close the

Skywalker chapter. From 2022 on we will get to know new characters. The upcoming movies

won't be in the style of the spinoffs Rogue One and especially Star Wars Solo, but will open a

completely new chapter. The reason for this is certainly the lack of success with Star Wars


behind the camera of the new movies will be Game of Thrones producers David Benioff and

D B Weiss, as well as Star Wars 8 director Rian Johnson. It is also rumored that the new films

by Benioff and Weiss will be set in the Old Republic, the Star Wars Middle Ages.

However, Johnson's movie is supposed to be something completely new, which nobody has

on their radar.

So you will see what Disney is going to do with Star Wars in the future, the release dates so

far are December 2022, 2024 and 2026.

Image of Matrix 4, New Star Wars Movies, Game of Thrones Mistake