Armor Wars: Change of Plans for Scheduled Disney+ Series

A director has not been found so far

By Pierre Lorenz on 1 min reading time

In December 2020, Marvel announced an upcoming "Armor Wars" series as part of the MCU. September 2022 was announced as the kick-off date, however, the production went differently from what was expected. As announced a couple of days ago, Disney has now completely dropped the series from its lineup. As told by The Hollywood Reporter, the responsible parties have decided on a serious change of plans for "Armor Wars". As a result, the project will now be redeveloped as a feature film instead of a series. The decision was taken while working on the story, which is apparently better told in a feature film. Also, there is no longer any talk of a September 2022 release date; instead, the as yet untitled movie will now be released on February 14, 2025. 

So far, the cast consists of Don Cheadle as the main character Colonel James Rhodes alias War Machine, while "Making History" star Yassir Lester is still working on the script. It is completely unknown who will fill the position of director, but the search for one will certainly keep going at full speed.

What are your thoughts on the idea of telling the story in a movie as opposed to a series? Which format would you like more for the MCU project? Feel free to let us know your opinion in the comments!

Image of The Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, Avengers 6: Secret Wars, BRZRKR