After "The Flash" appearance at DCEU: Will the shooting start soon?
This horror director is supposed to give the film a special touch
Fans have been eagerly awaiting the Flash solo movie ever since The Flash first appeared in
the DC Extended Universe. A few months ago the completion of the movie was even not
certain, but now the shooting doesn't seem to be too far away anymore, and maybe with a
big surprise behind the camera. It and Mama director Andy Muschietti is supposed to take
over the direction. So, if the Hollywood reporter's news is right and they hire Muschietti, the
question naturally arises whether Muschietti will enter new film territory or whether The
Flash will actually go in a horror direction, as the main actor Ezra Miller wishes.
Additionally, Christina Hodson, a new screenwriter, has been brought on board. Hodson was
most recently involved in the Transformers spinoff Bumblebee and is significantly involved in
the production of Birds of Prey.
So we will see what happens with The Flash, since a fixed cinema release is not yet in sight.
But if the shooting starts in the beginning of next year, we could expect a release in 2021.