Bourne sequel with Matt Damon?

There is new hope for a sixth part

By Pierre Lorenz on

For a long time it was quiet around Matt Damon's character Jason Bourne and the action movie series of the same name. The former CIA contract killer was last seen in the cinema in 2016, before that Jeremy Renner briefly took over the character in the spin-off "The Bourne Legacy" in 2012. Since then it has become more or less quiet around the film series, which has existed since 2002. From time to time you could hear something about a sixth part, but the work behind the scenes probably didn't make much progress. however the producer in charge of the series is now raising new hopes for a sequel. In an interview with Collider, producer Frank Marshall talked about the current status of the project and was quite optimistic about the future of the franchise. According to his own statement, the production team is currently looking for a director and a new story. Unfortunately, Marshall did not want to reveal whether Matt Damon would then return for the sixth part. Nevertheless, it remains to be hoped, after all it became clear during the spin-off with Jeremy Renner, both in terms of reviews and financially, that a "Bourne" film simply doesn't work properly without Jason Bourne.

So, whether we will ever see a sixth part depends mainly on finding a capable director and a thrilling story. At least the producer seems to be in good spirits...

Image of Black Adam vs Superman, Bourne 6, Avatar 2.. KinoCheck News