Matrix 4: Variety announces surprising news regarding the main characters

The name "Michael B. Jordan" was mentioned several times ...

By Pierre Lorenz on 1 min reading time

A few weeks ago Justin Kroll from Variety unveiled the mega news that Matrix 4 had been decided not as a reboot or spinoff, but as a clear follow-up to the original films. In the podcast My Moms Basement he now announced that Warner Bros is allegedly looking for an actor for a younger version of Neo in Matrix 4. As a verification is quite difficult and Justin Kroll proved to be fairly trustworthy in the past, we assume that Kroll is right. But what does that mean for the movie?

What's clear so far: Keanu Reeves and Carrie Anne Moss have already been confirmed, but it' s not yet clear whether Laurence Fishburne will be on board again as Morpheus. This is where it gets interesting, because even before the rumor about a young Neo became known, there were rumors that they were looking for a young Morpheus and also the name Michael B Jordan often came up.

Now there are two possibilities why you want to show the original actors as well as a younger version of them in one movie. Either Matrix 4 will be about time travel in some way, inside or outside the Matrix. Or there will be a second timeline in Matrix 4 that is no longer connected to the original stars, which would allow possible sequels. An exact release date is not yet known, but we expect a release not before 2021.

Image of Fast & Furious 9, Avatar 2 Set Photos, Jason Bourne 6