Black Widow, "Shang Chi" and co: Disney announces these MCU changes
Numerous other Disney films like "Indiana Jones 5" are also affected
It has been obvious for some time now that Black Widow will not be able to keep to its planned theatrical release on April 30th due to cinema closures. But so far the question has arisen as to how Disney will deal with this and what solutions the megacorporation has in mind. The situation is particularly difficult regarding the Marvel movies, because it is very important in which order the films are released to get a coherent overall picture. That's why Disney decided to take the drastic but understandable step of postponing all future MCU films.
So Black WIdow will now be released in the cinemas on November 6, 2020, while "The Eternals" will appear on February 12, 2021, "Shang Chi" on May 7, 2021, "Doctor Strange 2" on November 5, 2021 and "Thor 4" on February 18, 2022. In addition, Marvel announced the 2022 film, which has not yet been named, as "Captain Marvel 2".
In addition to the MCU movies, numerous Disney movies are also affected by postponements, including for example "Mulan", "Jungle Cruise" and "Indiana Jones 5". We will of course keep you informed about further developments as usual.