News from "Bond 25": Rami Malek as a villain without terroristic background?
Director Cary Fukunaga wants to avoid this as much as possible
There are news from behind the scenes of Bond 25. Rami Malek has revealed in an interview
with the Mirror that the Bond villain he personifies will not be a classic terrorist who spreads
disaster for religious or ideological reasons. This was his condition in a telephone
conversation with director Cary Fukunaga. The news are joined by information from Mail
Online according to which the Bond villain uses genetic engineering, which would move the
Bond franchise a bit further in the direction of science fiction.
Another thing that caused a lot of tension on the set was the sudden departure of Bond
veteran Grace Jones, who was supposed to play a role in Bond 25. But when she found out
that she was only supposed to have a small cameo appearance, she left the set in a rage and
ended her work on Bond 25. Whether the planned start date on April 3, 2020 can still be
kept will surely depend on whether more scandals around the shooting of Bond 25 will
happen in the future.