CBS plans series spinoff for cult film "Silence of the Lambs
The pilot episode is even said to have already been written
In the field of world-famous thrillers there is no way around "The Silence of the Lambs" with
Anthony Hopkins in the role of the notorious Hannibal Lecter. But at least as iconic was the
portrayal of FBI agent Clarice Starling, played by Jodie Foster. Already in 2012 there was an
unsuccessful attempt to produce a series around Starling. Now there will be a new attempt
and US broadcaster CBS will take on such a series called " Clarice". The plot will be set in
1993, one year after the filming, and will focus on Agent Starling's dealings with other serial
killers and sex criminals.
According to the current state of affairs, the pilot episode is supposed to be finished already.
Whether this will also convince the CBS station is of course the other question. Before that
can happen, an actress has to be found who is suitable for the role of Clarice Starling.
Many fans also wonder if Hannibal Lecter will play a role in the series. If you believe a report
from Deadline, this will most likely not be the case.
How the series will continue remains to be seen.