The Lord of the Rings: New Film Series is Being Planned
Thematically, they are choosing a different approach than Amazon
"The Lord of the Rings" trilogy by Peter Jackson is to this day one of the biggest film franchises, known across generations and still enjoyed by many. Amazon also acknowledged this a few years ago when it secured the rights for its own series set in the Second Age of Middle Earth. However, the series was not as successful with fans as those in charge had hoped, and in terms of popularity in particular, it falls short of the movie trilogy from the 2000s by a long way.
Now, as has been reported by Variety, there are big plans from Warner Bros. for new feature films based on "The Lord of the Rings" universe. At the time, the movie studio was responsible for the production of both "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" trilogy.
During the presentation of Warner's quarterly figures, there was the surprising news that the company will work together with The Embracer Group on new movies in the future. Last summer, the Embracer Group secured Middle-earth Enterprises, meaning the complete film and merchandising rights for the franchise. They are now cooperating with Warner Bros. in a multiyear deal. By the way, there should be no conflicts in terms of story with the ongoing Amazon series, since it is set in the Second Age and, according to reports, the upcoming films will again focus on the Third Age. As announced by the new heads of the Warner Bros. Film Group Michael De Luca and Pamela Abdy, there are still many stories to be explored in the gigantic universe of "The Lord of the Rings" creator J. R. R. Tolkien and they would like to immerse themselves deeper into the world of Middle Earth along with the fans.
We are definitely excited and look forward to more news from the upcoming "The Lord of the Rings" series of movies. However, it will certainly take a few more years until the first movie releases.