Metal Gear Solid movie adaptation continues to progress!

This is what screenwriter Derek Connolly says

By Pierre Lorenz on

For a long time it had been quiet around the planned filming of Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid series. But now there are some good news from director Jordan Vogt-Roberts on Twitter. It seems as if things are progressing behind the scenes. He and his screenwriter Derek Connolly have also submitted a new script after the old draft, which has been around since the summer of 2018, was not too popular. But there are also news regarding the cast, including a hot candidate for the leading role of elite soldier Solid Snake. Who exactly this should be was not revealed, but Star Wars actor Oscar Issac has already expressed his interest in the role a few months ago. What will please many fans of the video game series is that Vogt-Roberts has once again emphasized that he will definitely remain true to the original. The script is supposed to be full of Kojima peculiarities and military surrealism. When we can expect a film, unfortunately, is not yet certain at the moment.

Image of John Wick 4, Planet Of The Apes, Metal Gear Solid