The Flash: Ezra Miller's End as DC Actor Seems to Be Final
Warner Bros. does not consider further business together
The drama surrounding "The Flash" star Ezra Miller seems to have no end. In March of this year, Miller made big headlines with his assaultive behavior on a couple in Hawaii and his resulting arrest. Back then, Warner Bros. was already in big trouble, as the movie giant has a rigorous policy when it comes to such offenses: see Johnny Depp's role as Grindelwald in the "Fantastic Beasts" series.
As has now become known, Miller has once again allowed himself to engage in a scandalous action. As reported by US media, Miller was issued with two restraining orders against him within a very short period of time. In one case, it is about him having recently disappeared with the 18-year-old environmental activist Tokata Iron Eyes. What is particularly juicy is that he has known her since she was twelve years old and is alleged to have provided her with drugs in her teens. The parents had a restraining order against Miller from approaching the family. Police currently remain on the lookout for the two fugitives. Meanwhile, Miller mocked the police chase on his Instagram account, which has since been disabled.
Even more interesting is the case of an anonymous mother from Massachusetts, who has also filed an order against Miller. The case involves the woman's twelve-year-old child, who is said to have been showered with presents by Miller in a creepy fashion. This has now definitely gotten Warner into real trouble, and Deadline reports that Miller will no longer be part of future DC projects. Already in the wake of the events in Hawaii, many fans demanded the casting of Grant Gustin, who has already starred as The Flash in the series of the same name and has been much better received by fans. The only thing Warner is likely to lose with an instant dismissal of Ezra Miller would be an awful lot of money. However, that might still be less expensive than keeping up the hope of Miller not committing any more crimes.
Either way, we are excited about what will happen next with "The Flash". So far, the theatrical release is still scheduled for June 23, 2023.