Raqqa: Spy vs. Spy
A war movie starring Álvaro Morte, Mina El Hammani and Abdelatif Hwidar
An enigmatic international spy in the service of Russia and a Spanish agent of Moroccan origin working for Europol coincide in the Syrian city of Raqqa, an enclave of the self-proclaimed Islamic State ... (more)
The Brutalist (2025)
A drama starring Adrien Brody, Felicity Jones and Guy Pearce
When visionary architect László Toth and his wife Erzsébet flee Europe to rebuild their legacy and witness the birth of modern America, their lives are changed forever by a mysterious and wealthy client.
In cinemas starting March 21, 2025
Snow White (2025)
A rated PG fantasy movie starring Rachel Zegler, Gal Gadot and Andrew Burnap
A live-action musical reimagining of the classic 1937 film. The magical music adventure journeys back to the timeless story with beloved characters Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy.
In cinemas since February 10, 2025
Attack on Titan: The Last Attack (2025)
An action movie starring Yuki Kaji, Yui Ishikawa and Marina Inoue
Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK brings together the last two episodes of the highly acclaimed anime series in the franchise’s first-ever theatrical experience delivering the epic finale in a colossal-sized omnibus film.
A rated TV-MA thriller
A wealthy German family hires a young woman as a maid during their summer holiday in Provence. Gradually, the life of the entire family changes – with dramatic consequences.
Manta Manta: Zwoter Teil
A comedy movie starring Til Schweiger, Tina Ruland and Tim Oliver Schultz
Bertie hung up his racing career some time ago and runs a car repair shop and an affiliated kart track more or less poorly. When he falls behind with the repayment of a loan and the bank threatens to foreclose on the property, Bertie comes up with a daring plan: the winner's bonus at the upcoming big 90s race on the Bilster Berg could solve his financial problems in one fell swoop ... (more)