"Solo: A Star Wars Story" follows the early adventures of Han, an orphan from the planet Corellia. After escaping local gangs with his childhood friend Qi'ra, Han joins the Imperial Navy to become a pilot. However, he is expelled and ends up on Mimban, encountering Tobias Beckett and his criminal gang. Together with Chewbacca, a Wookiee prisoner, they embark on a mission to steal coaxium for crime boss Dryden Vos. The plan goes awry when space pirates attack, resulting in the destruction of the coaxium and the deaths of Beckett's partners.
To repay the debt to Vos, Han proposes a risky heist on the mines of Kessel, enlisting the help of Lando Calrissian and his ship, the Millennium Falcon. After a successful theft, they navigate the perilous Kessel Run and land on Savareen to process the coaxium. Betrayals unfold as Enfys Nest, a rebel leader, reveals her true motives, and Qi'ra's allegiance becomes uncertain.
As tensions rise, alliances shift, and the plot thickens, the movie builds towards an intense finale. Qi'ra's connection to crime syndicates deepens as she faces an ominous meeting with Maul on Dathomir.
- Alden EhrenreichHan Solo
- Donald GloverLando Calrissian
- Emilia ClarkeQi'ra
- Woody HarrelsonGharris Shrike
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