Image of Smelliville


Original title (Language) Die Olchis - Willkommen in Schmuddelfing (de)

Runtime 85 minutes

Release dates

Theaters July 23, 2021


In the stinky town of Smelliville a kid named Max hopes to solve the town’s odor problem. When he meets a new family in town — the Ogglies — life starts to get... funky. The Ogglies live at the dump and are green, garbage-eating, good-natured creatures; a perfect solution to help regulate the overwhelming amount of garbage in the town. But when a unscrupulous contractor plans to build a wellness temple on the dump, the Ogglies realize they may be forced to leave Smelliville for good. Together Max, his best friend Lotta, and the Ogglies must hatch a plan to save their new home.


Original title (Language) Die Olchis - Willkommen in Schmuddelfing (de)

Runtime 85 minutes

Release dates

Theaters July 23, 2021

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