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Star Wars

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Runtime 121 minutes

Release dates

Theaters May 25, 1977


In a galaxy immersed in civil war, the Rebel Alliance acquires plans for the tyrannical Galactic Empire's destructive Death Star. Princess Leia Organa, a key Rebellion figure, entrusts the schematics to the astromech droid R2-D2, who, along with protocol droid C-3PO, escapes to the desert planet Tatooine. There, they are acquired by local moisture farmers, the Lars family, including Luke Skywalker. Upon discovering a distress message from Leia, hidden in R2-D2, Luke embarks on a journey guided by the mysterious Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan, a former Jedi Knight, introduces Luke to the Force, a mystical energy field.

Leia's message urges Obi-Wan to take the Death Star plans to her father on Alderaan. Reluctantly, Luke joins the mission after Imperial forces devastate his home and family. Seeking transport, Luke and Obi-Wan enlist the help of Han Solo, a smuggler, and his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca. The group, including the droids, escapes Tatooine on the Millennium Falcon. Meanwhile, the Death Star, under Grand Moff Tarkin, obliterates Alderaan to extract information from Leia. The Falcon is captured by the Death Star but avoids detection in hidden compartments. Obi-Wan sacrifices himself to disable the tractor beam, allowing the group to rescue Leia.

The Rebel Alliance, with the acquired Death Star plans, discovers a vulnerability in its thermal exhaust port. Han departs after rescuing Leia, while Luke, guided by Obi-Wan's teachings, participates in a desperate attack against the approaching Death Star. The battle for the future of the Galaxy begins.


Runtime 121 minutes

Release dates

Theaters May 25, 1977

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