Image of Gladiator 2


Release dates

Theaters November 22, 2024


The sequel takes place about 20 years after the first part and thus reflects the actual time gap between the two films. This time, the focus is on Lucius Verus, whom we already got to know as a child in the predecessor. As Lucilla's son, he bears the same name as his father, who once ruled Rome for eight years. His grandfather Marcus Aurelius, also known as Marcus Aurelius, is considered a well-known historical figure in this country, who had a significant influence on Roman society long after his death. Although Lucius' ancestors are significant, his greatest role model is not his father or grandfather, but Maximus, who made a lasting impression on him as a child with his brave performance in the arena. In "Gladiator 2", the adult Lucius will now try to follow Maximus' example. This won't be easy, though, since he comes from a prestigious family that would certainly not approve of him following the path of a fallen general and gladiator instead of becoming a Roman emperor himself.


Release dates

Theaters November 22, 2024


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