Image of Deep Sea


Runtime 105 minutes

Release dates

Theaters November 24, 2023


Shenxiu boards a cruise ship with her father, his new wife, and her little brother on her birthday. She longs for her mother, who has left the family, and remembers a story her mother told: if you make a wish on your birthday, the magical being Hyjinx will make the wish come true. When the ship is caught in a heavy storm, Shenxiu goes overboard and awakens in a fantastic underwater world of swirling colors and fascinating creatures. She actually encounters the many-eyed Hyjinx, who brings Shenxiu to Nanhe, a chef and captain at a crazy underwater restaurant bubbling with ideas and imagination. Together they set out to find Shenxiu's mother and the Eye of the Deep. Shenxiu needs all her courage to face the dreaded Red Phantom and learns to weather severe storms.


Runtime 105 minutes

Release dates

Theaters November 24, 2023

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