Image of Super Wings: Maximum Speed
Poster of Super Wings: Maximum Speed

Super Wings: Maximum Speed


Runtime 89 minutes


The small delivery plane Jett is the fastest plane in the world and a member of the legendary Super Wings special airplane squad. But Jett doesn't really enjoy his job in the express delivery service because he constantly feels overshadowed by his much more popular Super Wings teammates. When the villain Billy Willy kidnaps a group of innocent people, Jett decides on his own to help the girl Fei free her mother from the clutches of the chief spoilsport. In a fast-paced chase that leads from the Eiffel Tower to outer space, Jett wants to prove to everyone that he too can be a true hero. But it's not that easy and the little delivery jet soon has to realize how important it is for the Super Wings to fight together as a team!


Runtime 89 minutes

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