A reboot of the "Resident Evil" franchise. Set in 1998, the intention is to re-create the 'terrifying visceral experience' of the first two games in the series, exploring 'the secrets hidden in the walls of the Spenser Mansion and Raccoon City' while also 'telling a grounded human story about a small dying American town.'
Videos for Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City
Recent news for Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City
- "Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City": First Images Have Been Published!The film adaptation of the iconic video game series is set to be a reboot
- Resident Evil: Reboot Title UnveiledThe movie will thematically merge Capcom's "Resident Evil 1 & 2"
- Resident Evil: The shooting of the reboot is doneThe new film will be strongly inspired by the video games