Image of The Man from Rome
Poster of The Man from Rome

The Man from Rome


Runtime 107 minutes


At a time when fake news and lies are undermining the social fabric of our societies, the skeptical priest Filippo is sent by the Vatican to investigate an alleged miracle. The video of a weeping statue of the Virgin Mary went viral and Filippo - known for debunking many alleged miracles around the world - came to the Dutch border community. Four years earlier, a boy had shot eleven schoolmates there. The family to whom the weeping statue belongs also lost a child, and 19-year-old daughter Térèse stopped speaking after the shooting. She sees the arrival of Filippo as a sign from above.

Térèse and her manipulative mother prove to be worthy opponents for Filippo. He, who is used to interrogating people and conducting forensic investigations, fails with his technocratic approach due to the deep grief of the people in the village. And he seems to be attracted to the mysterious Térèse.

In his search for a solution to the mysterious case, Filippo is drawn into the collective grief of the village and into a series of seemingly miraculous events that make him doubt his vocation as a priest and as a human being.


Runtime 107 minutes

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