Image of Priscilla


Wife to the king. Icon to the world. Destined for more.


Genres Drama & Romance

Runtime 110 minutes

Release dates

Theaters November 3, 2023


When teenager Priscilla Beaulieu meets Elvis Presley at a party, the man who is already a rock'n'roll superstar on a meteoric rise becomes someone completely unexpected in private moments: an exciting crush, an ally in loneliness, a vulnerable best friend. Through Priscilla's eyes, Sofia Coppola tells the unseen side of a great American myth in this sensitive and ravishingly detailed portrait of love, fantasy and fame: Elvis and Priscilla's long courtship and turbulent marriage, from a German army base to the fabled estate at Graceland.


Genres Drama & Romance

Runtime 110 minutes

Release dates

Theaters November 3, 2023


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