Image of The Monkey


Genres Horror & Comedy

Runtime 98 minutes

Release dates

Theaters February 21, 2025


When twin brothers Hal and Bill find an old monkey figurine of their father in the attic, strange deaths begin to occur around them. They associate the toy with the incidents and separate from it, whereupon their lives diverge. In adulthood, deaths occur again, forcing the brothers to join forces to destroy the toy monkey once and for all.


Genres Horror & Comedy

Runtime 98 minutes

Release dates

Theaters February 21, 2025


Videos for The Monkey


“The Monkey” is an adaptation of Stephen King's short story of the same name. Director Oz Perkins described “The Monkey” as a “comedy with extreme cartoon gore”, inspired by films such as “American Werewolf”, “Gremlins” and “Death Becomes Her”. He explained that he wanted to add more humor to the dark story, based on personal experiences of dealing with grief. In addition to Theo James in the dual role of twins Hal and Bill, Elijah Wood, Tatiana Maslany, Rohan Campbell and Sarah Levy can also be seen in other roles. Filming took place from February 5 to March 22, 2024 in Vancouver, Canada. Neon secured the US distribution rights for a high seven-figure sum.

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