Image of Biking Borders
Poster of Biking Borders

Biking Borders


Original title (Language) Biking Borders - Eine etwas andere Reise (de)


Biking Borders is unlike any other travel documentary. While most people go on a journey to escape the daily grind or out of sheer wanderlust, Max and Nono had a different motivation. The two best friends ride 15,000KM by bike from Berlin to Beijing to raise funds for the construction of an elementary school. In a humorous and honest way, the film shows that anything - really anything - is possible if you just want it hard enough. Although they both hate riding bikes, Max and Nono make it to China in 9 months while thousands of people follow their journey live on Instagram. How they then manage to travel through snow, ice, desert and rivers, flee from wild animals and last but not least build two schools for more than 1500 children, shows a unique mix of beautiful shots and unedited Instagram Stories.


Original title (Language) Biking Borders - Eine etwas andere Reise (de)

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