Image of Nila's Dream in the Garden of Eden
Poster of Nila's Dream in the Garden of Eden

Nila's Dream in the Garden of Eden


Original title (Language) Nilas Traum im Garten Eden (de)

Runtime 98 minutes


Leyla and her six-year-old daughter Nila live in the holy city of Mashhad in Iran. Nila is the result of a temporary marriage, which allows a man to marry a woman even if he is already married. Children born from such a relationship are legally non-existent. As long as the father does not recognize the child, no birth certificate can be issued and Nila cannot attend school. The documentary depicts Leyla's tireless efforts to clarify Nila's legal status in order to offer her a perspective for her future. In a never-ending bureaucratic battle, Leyla fights not only against the legal system, but also against a judgmental society.


Original title (Language) Nilas Traum im Garten Eden (de)

Runtime 98 minutes

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