Image of Me, Myself and Mum
Poster of Me, Myself and Mum

Me, Myself and Mum


Genres Comedy

Runtime 85 minutes

Release dates

Theaters November 20, 2013


How to become a man when your mother and your closed circle have decided otherwise? This is the challenge Guillaume took up. The film recounts Guillaume's tragicomic battle from the young age of eight, as he adopts the role of a girl then of a homosexual... until, aged 30, he meets the woman who, after his mother, will become the other woman in his life. Beyond this story of a heterosexual coming-out, the film tells the tale of an actor who never stopped loving women, maybe even a little too much.


Genres Comedy

Runtime 85 minutes

Release dates

Theaters November 20, 2013

Videos for Me, Myself and Mum

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