Image of Coconut The Little Dragon
Poster of Coconut The Little Dragon

Coconut The Little Dragon

True friendship is fireproof !


Original title (Language) Der Kleine Drache Kokosnuss: Feuerfeste Freunde (de)

Runtime 82 minutes

Release dates

Theaters December 18, 2014


Coconut and his friend Oscar are outsiders on Dragon Island. Coconut is supposed to be a flying dragon but he can't fly and Oscar, a carnivore by nature, is a vegetarian bychoice. Together with the porcupine Matilda they go on fabulous adventures and meet dragons in all shapes and sizes.


Original title (Language) Der Kleine Drache Kokosnuss: Feuerfeste Freunde (de)

Runtime 82 minutes

Release dates

Theaters December 18, 2014

Videos for Coconut The Little Dragon

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