Image of My Giraffe
Poster of My Giraffe

My Giraffe


Genres Family, Drama & Kids

Runtime 73 minutes

Release dates

Theaters October 4, 2017


Dikkertje Dap was born on the same day as Raf the giraffe. Dikkertje can often be found at the zoo, because Raf is his best friend. They are inseparable, until Dikkertje goes to school for the first time and finds out giraffes can’t go to school. Dikkertje dearly misses Raf, but also experiences exciting new things. He even makes a new friend: Yous. Raf misses Dikkertje too. So Dikkertje devises a plan to bring the giraffe to school and introduce his two friends to each other.


Genres Family, Drama & Kids

Runtime 73 minutes

Release dates

Theaters October 4, 2017

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