Image of Outside the Box
Poster of Outside the Box

Outside the Box


Genres Comedy

Runtime 84 minutes

Release dates

Theaters July 1, 2015


Frederick Schopner, a young management consultant, has been invited to participate in a special kind of team-building event. He and his colleagues will be chased across an outdoor obstacle course while being assessed on leadership qualities and their capacity for teamwork via video surveillance. Special highlight: the company has hired two over-the-hill actors to kidnap the consultants with unloaded weapons, keep them hostage, and to demand a high ransom from the company. A realistic role play with fun factor! But things don't go according to plan: the actors find the make-believe scenario so convincing that they decide to put the plan into action for real, using real weapons. Meanwhile, Human Resources manager Vanessa is observing what's happening via video surveillance and has to find a way to keep the hostage situation from escalating…


Genres Comedy

Runtime 84 minutes

Release dates

Theaters July 1, 2015

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