Image of Schreckenstein Castle
Poster of Schreckenstein Castle

Schreckenstein Castle


Original title (Language) Burg Schreckenstein (de)

Runtime 96 minutes

Release dates

Theaters October 20, 2016


Eleven-year-old outsider Stephan arrives at Castle Schreckenstein, an all-boys boarding school, where he learns about life within a community and soon finds himself being part of a funny 'pranks-competition' the boys are currently fighting against the neighboring girls of Castle Rosenfels. When the girls have no choice but to move to Schreckenstein after a failed prank, life at school is suddenly nothing like it used to be...


Original title (Language) Burg Schreckenstein (de)

Runtime 96 minutes

Release dates

Theaters October 20, 2016

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